Interesting Facts

Essence of Dubrovnik

In 1272 Dubrovnik was its own small republic, following Roman laws and local customs, including town planning.  The Republic was very inventive regarding laws and institutions which were developed.  It was also one of the first republics to recognize American independence.

1301 – Medical services introduced

1317 – Franciscan Monks opened a pharmacy (working today)

1347 – Refuge for the elderly began

1377 – The first quarantine facility opened (Lazareti)

1418 – Slave trading was abolished

1432 – Saint Claire Convent opened the first orphanage

1436 – A water supply was constructed (Onofrio fountain still working)

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Croatian Kuna and the Euro

Essence of Dubrovnik

At midnight 01 July, 2013 Croatia became the 28th member of the European Union.  The process has been long and arduous and has taken several years to complete.  It is important for you to know that entry into the EU does not mean that Croatia will now have the Euro as its official currency. 

The Euro was introduced in 1999, a single currency shared by only 17 of the European Union’s members.  Those countries which use the Euro are known as the “Euro Zone”.  Not all EU member states use the Euro as its currency.  For example, the United Kingdom is exempted from participation and still uses the Pound.  All member states must meet specific conditions before they adopt the Euro as legal currency.  Croatia has not yet begun to make application for the Euro and do keep in mind it takes time to change a nations currency.


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